
Northwrym Pseudosuchia Dracones Mundi Bloodmood Bloodmood Gallery Animated gif of Victor and Harriet from Bloodmood, art by Dragonfelling


Victor and Harriet by Dragonfelling

Victor and Harriet by Dragonfelling

Chomp by Saint Nevermore

Vampire bites are life threatening and not for the faint hearted - luckily Harriet's heartless, faint or otherwise. Art by Saint Nevermore.

Comfy Cozy by Saint Nevermore Victor, as an undead, is often cold. Here he is being adequately warmed up and cozy; art by Saint Nevermore
Luke and Jasper by Dragonfelling

Luke, one of the other vampires, sitting atop his throne as king of the goths. Art by Dragonfelling

Victor and Harriet by Dragonfelling

Victor and Harriet back in the lab. Art by Dragonfelling

Werebear vs werewolf by Dragonfelling

Dolph the werewolf fighting Chris the beserker (or 'werebear'). Art by Dragonfelling

Werewolf by Dragonfelling

Dolph in his werewolf form, art by Dragonfelling

Vampire eating werewolf flesh by Dragonfelling

Werewolves shed their wolfflesh at the end of the night; hungry vampires might enjoy the free meal. Art by Dragonfelling